Johnson County Justice Center

Survey 2.0: Design a Justice Center Online


This survey and this website are maintained by volunteers independent from the Johnson County administration. Click here for the Johnson County government initiative exploring how we can address space and safety needs at the courthouse and jail.

Our previous survey was a huge success, with many people participating and offering ideas for how to improve the survey. Based on community feedback, we’re moving on to version 2.0 of the survey. We hope you like this new and improved survey. Rather than asking about what people didn’t like with the previous proposal, the focus now is on how you would personally design a justice center facility for Johnson County that would incorporate best practices that any community could benefit from.

Duration and Deadline

This survey will be open through 30 September 2013. General results are made public in real-time, but the comments, feedback, and other responses will not be published until after September 30.

Purpose of this Survey

There is not currently any specific single proposal being considered by the county for a future “justice center” (as it was previously conceived as a single facility). There is an exploratory effort underway to determine how the county might address Courthouse space and safety concerns as well as space, safety, and deterioration concerns about the current jail. It’s unclear what the outcome of those efforts will be at this time. This survey is to help us imagine what a justice center facility might look like, and if the right proposal had enough community input and support, perhaps it would achieve the necessary 60%+ of public support.

About the Survey

This survey allows you to design what you believe to be an ideal justice center, including facility location, facility appearance, sustainability features, services provided, staffing, and more. Simply fill out the survey below. The available responses provided are based on previous feedback and represent a broad range of views.

This survey has been criticized as presenting leading questions (or answers). Having gathered some public opinions (reflected in the various answers), the intention of this survey is to see how many people agree with those varying opinions.

You can choose as many answers as you’d like, and write in your own if the ones provided don’t reflect your views. The space provided for “other” will allow you to type beyond the area shown, although you may wish to use our contact page for lengthy responses. We apologize that the survey system used ( does not automatically display what people type in the “other” options. We plan to share that once results are in.

Don’t Like This Survey?

We’ve had a few people criticize this survey. If you don’t like this one, then help us create the next one. What questions would you ask? What possible answers would you offer (if any)? Contact us with any ideas or suggestions you have for a better survey and we’ll be happy to incorporate those in Survey 3.0 coming soon. We’re happy to listen to criticism and hear about what you don’t like, but instead we’d rather hear about solutions and what you think would work better.

Prevention Programs

Take Our Poll

Facility Location

Take Our Poll

Facility Design

Take Our Poll


Take Our Poll

Jail & Corrections Capacity

Take Our Poll

Law Enforcement Needs

Take Our Poll

Additional Comments

Please use our contact page to provide additional comments about what you would like to see in a justice center facility.

Survey Criticism FAQ

There have been some comments and criticism of the above survey:

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