Oakdale Book Group & Library Services is a presentation delivered by Kathrina Litchfield on 6 September 2014 at the Incarcerated in Iowa Symposium. Rachel discussed the Book group facilitation and library advocacy at Iowa Medical & Classification Center in Coralville, IA.
Kathrina Litchfield – Language, Literacy, and Culture – College of Education (University of Iowa)
Kathrina Litchfield received her MLIS degree from the University of Iowa in 2014, and a BA in English in 1997. She is a 2014 Obermann Graduate Fellow, and a 2014 PAGE Scholar with Imagining America. Her current research focuses on the benefits of strategic library and literacy programming in improving the lives of the incarcerated and reducing recidivism. Since 2011, she has facilitated a monthly book group for incarerated men at IMCC Oakdale. The experience has encouraged her to explore the relation of book reading and group discussion to perspective-taking and other empathic skills that lead to improved pro-social behaviors, and support the aims of successful restorative justice practice [More…]
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University of Iowa Prison Projects Symposium