Summary. At the June 5 meeting of the Johnson County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee the following topics were discussed. The agenda and audio will be available on the Johnson County Board of Supervisors Minutes page.
- Discussion regarding the process and planning to address critical needs of law enforcement and court services, including Sheriff’s and County Attorney’s offices.
- Alternatives and Treatments Sub-Committee
- Public Information/Outreach Sub-Committee
- Facilities Sub-Committee
- Funding/Grants Sub-Committee
Resources. Additional links, notes, and excerpts from the video will be added to this page over time as they become available.
- ACLU 187-page Report from June 2013 on Racial Disparity and Marijuana Arrests [PDF]
- Jail Alternatives: Prevention, Diversion, Expediting, and Recidivism Reduction Efforts (as of April 2013)
- Jail Crowding: Understanding Jail Population Dynamics – Published by the U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Corrections [PDF]. This is the document mentioned by Aleksey Gurtovoy in the meeting.
Video. The video below is from Reform the Johnson County Criminal Justice System (RJCCJ), a local group that reports on local criminal justice issues and advocates improvements. Thanks to Aleksey Gurtovoy and RJCCJS for making the video available. You can find out more about the group on their Facebook page. This video covers the first 35 minutes of the meeting prior to public comments.
Public Comments. The videos below are approximately 60 minutes in combined length and include public comments. These are also provided by RJCCJ.
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