April 2013 marked the five-year anniversary of the Second Chance Act, the landmark legislation authorizing federal grants to support programs aimed at improving outcomes for people leaving prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities and reducing recidivism. The bill also funds research and evaluation projects and created the National Reentry Resource Center, a clearinghouse of information relating […]
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Comal County Justice Center in New Braunfels, Texas
Summary. This page contains several articles about the proposed Comal County Justice Center in New Braunfels, Texas. * * * Comal County Proposes Justice Center [Source: “Comal County proposes Justice Center,” My San Antonio, 11 November 2009] The decision by members of the Comal County Commissioners Court to move forward with plans for a new […]
School-to-Prison Pipeline – Senate Judiciary Subcommittee – Testimony by Council of State Governments Justice Center Executive Director
On December 12, 2012, The CSG Justice Center Executive Director, Michael Thompson, submitted testimony to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights for its hearing on the school-to-prison pipeline. More than 100 congressional staff members, advocates, federal staff, community members, as well as representatives from several other non-profit organizations attended the hearing and many […]
Former Youth Counselor Joins Iowa City Police Department
From its beginnings as a group home in rural Cedar Rapids nearly 40 years ago, Four Oaks has grown to become one of the state’s largest agencies devoted to child welfare, juvenile justice and behavioral health. On 25 April 2013, the Iowa City Police Department welcomed Travis Graves as the newest officer to join the […]
Johnson County Incarceration Rates Compared to U.S. Trend
Below is a chart comparing Johnson County incarceration rates to the U.S. trend. __________ Comments. Have a comment or correction? Feel free to contact us. Suggestions. Would you like to see additional charts or infographics offered here? It’s easy. Just contact us and let us know what you’d like presented.
County ponders next move after justice center defeat
[Source: “County ponders next move after justice center defeat,” Press Citizen, 14 May 2013, by Lee Hermiston] Now what? That’s been the question facing the Johnson County Board of Supervisors for a week now. Last week, the $43.5 million bond referendum that would have funded the $46.2 million justice center received 54 percent of support […]
A broad-based citizens group needs to be formed, which includes both “Yes” and “No” representatives
[Source: Johnson County Democrats Facebook Group, 8 May 2013, Comment by Peter Hansen, reposted with permission] Although some of the “No” group are Republicans opposed to nearly all government spending — and seem to think that we should replace taxes with bake sales — many others are very thoughtful, intelligent, informed, and well-intentioned people, e.g., […]
Moving forward on jail, courthouse requires more buy-in from Iowa City
[Source: “Moving forward on jail, courthouse requires more buy-in from Iowa City,” Press Citizen, 10 May 2013, by John Deeth] Tuesday, for the second time in six months, “Yes” came out of the justice center vote with significantly more votes than “No,” but not quite enough for the required 60 percent supermajority. Clearly most of […]
Justice Center – Results, Politics, and Next Steps
[Source: Sullivan’s Salvos, 10 May 2013, by Rod Sullivan] Justice Center Results Voters in Johnson County went to the polls last Tuesday, and the Justice Center Measure failed by a margin of 54-46. (Because Iowa requires a supermajority for bond issues, 60% is required. So despite twice getting a clear majority of the public support, […]
Election Outcome Commentary by El Brad Field
I seriously do not know what the anti-Authority/anti-Justice people think that they have gained? The police are going to continue arresting people at the same rate they are now. The only thing they accomplished is guarantee that those arrested will be shipped like cattle to other counties. That those working and visiting the courthouse will […]
Clinical Law Programs at the University of Iowa College of Law
[Source] The College of Law’s Clinical Law Programs reflect the richness and diversity of modern law practice and the College of Law’s commitment to clinical education. The clinic operates like a law firm within the walls of the Boyd Law Building, offering students the opportunity to put their legal skills to use in a variety […]
Big Brothers Big Sisters Has Measurable Positive Impact
[Source: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County] We’ve always known we were making a positive impact on children and empowering them to succeed. A nationwide study confirmed it for us. Each time Big Brothers Big Sisters pairs a child with a role model, we start something incredible: a one-to-one relationship built on trust and […]
Coalition for Racial Justice Meeting Today, Noon – 1:30 PM
This is a GREAT time to get involved on issues related to racial disparities in the criminal justice system (with the Justice Center bond issue losing again) — so please come and get involved in our work on this and on racial disparities in access to affordable housing and in education. The CRJ meets this […]
After Election Message – 8 May 2013
Thank you to the many volunteers and supporters who worked tirelessly to organize this campaign and to inform voters about the need for a Justice Center. Unfortunately, the results of the May 7th Special Election did not meet the required super majority of 60% necessary to pass a bond referendum. While we are shown, time […]
Who Really Won? – Commentary by John Deeth
[Source: “Who Really Won,” John Deeth Blog, 8 May 2013] It feels kind of weird to, for the second time, come out of the justice center vote with significantly more votes than the other side, yet lose. Clearly, a majority of the community is convinced of the need for this plan. Maybe even a super […]
Johnson County voters decide justice center’s fate today
[Source: “Johnson County voters decide justice center’s fate today,” Gazette, 7 May 2013] Johnson County residents will head to the polls today to cast their vote on a $43.5 million bond issue to pay for a new justice center. Polls are open today from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Plans for the justice center include a […]
Press Citizen Editorial Board: If you haven’t done so already, go vote today
[Source: “If you haven’t done so already, go vote today,” Press Citizen, 7 May 2013, by the Press Citizen Editorial Board] Today is the third election this year in the Johnson County area. In February, a little more than 8 percent of eligible voters in the Iowa City Community School District came out to approve a […]
May 14, 2013 | jcjusticecenter | 0 Comments
Johnson Co. Supervisors Discuss Needs for Courthouse & Jail
[Source: “Johnson Co. Supervisors Discuss Needs for Courthouse & Jail,” KCRG, 14 May 2013, by Hayley Bruce] IOWA CITY, Iowa — The Johnson County Board of Supervisors is going back to the drawing board to fix immediate safety and security needs at the jail and courthouse after a $43.5 million bond issue for the justice […]
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