Details The Iowa Summit on Justice & Disparities will take place on October 10, 2013 at Drake University. Details are below: Date: 10 October 2013 Time: 7:30am-5:00pm Location: Des Moines, Iowa, Olmsted Center, Drake University (Map) Registration: Click here to register. About the Summit The Iowa Summit on Justice and Disparities convenes for 3 primary goals: […]
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JC Supervisors seek officials’ input
(Source: “JC Supervisors seek officials’ input,” Daily Iowan, 2 October 2013, by Cassidy Riley) Local law-enforcement and government officials are back at the drawing board for a new jail alternative. “The only option that is not an option is doing nothing,” Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Janelle Rettig said. “We have to do something. We are […]

City, county discuss sharing facility
(Source: “City, county discuss sharing facility,” Press Citizen, 1 October 2013, by Josh O’Leary) With proposals for a new county justice center twice nixed by voters, Johnson County and Iowa City officials are now floating the idea of a shared law enforcement facility. Iowa City Manager Tom Markus said the possibility of addressing the police department’s […]

University of Iowa Annual Security Report – Includes Crime Rates on Campus
The University of Iowa Department of Public Safety has released the 2013 Security Report which includes crime rates on campus. The official announcement is below. This information is made available to the public as required by law. Click here to download a PDF version of the report now. * * * The University of Iowa […]

Local group gauges public opinion on Justice Center
[Source: “Local group gauges public opinion on Justice Center,” Daily Iowan, 26 September 2013, by Emily Friese] The number of local elections that shot down a new justice center stands firmly at 2-0. With a public-interest survey in its second phase, there is a new opportunity to gain insight on the contentious topic. The current […]

Bail or Jail – National Conference of State Legislatures Report
[Source: “Bail or Jail,” National Conference of State Legislatures, May 2012, by Richard Williams] Lawmakers in more than two dozen states are changing the rules on bail. Most of the people sitting in local jails have not been convicted of a crime. Instead, they’re awaiting trial and can’t afford bail. In fact, 60 percent of […]

No Bail Money Keeps Poor People Behind Bars
[Facebook Discussion] Punishing the Poor Excessive bail is often cited as a tool to punish the poor, while letting the wealthy go free. The resulting costs of incarceration are high and cost tax payers millions. The excerpt below is from a WNYC News special report released today that explores how excessive bail is causing an incarceration […]

Police Work Isn’t Dangerous, and Other Myths
“There is the myth that policing is a dangerous occupation. In fact, it is one of the safest jobs in the country in terms of death and injury. It doesn’t even make the Top Ten of dangerous jobs, falling well behind construction work, forestry, manufacturing, farming, mining, transportation and so on.” ~ Michael Enright,, […]

Thank a Police Officer Day on September 21 2013
Please Write a Note of Thanks This coming Saturday, 21 September 2013, is Thank a Police Officer Day. We’re asking everyone in our community, and even those who follow this website from afar, to write a note of thanks to a police officer. Then… Submit Your Message Online You may not even know the officer’s name. Simply share […]

Netherlands Closing 19 Prisons Due to Lack of Criminals
In 2009, the Dutch justice ministry announced the planned closing of eight prisons in the Netherlands due to a declining crime rate which was expected to continue. Now, in 2013, there are 19 prisons scheduled to be closed. This is caused, in part, by a continued decline in crime rates. Additionally, those who are convicted […]

Photo Exhibit in Old Polk County Iowa Jail Features Children of Incarcerated Parents
[Source: “Old county jail hosts an arresting art exhibit,” Des Moines Register, 13 September 2013, by Michael Morain] Artists display their work in all sorts of everyday places — parks, coffee shops, city buses and so on. But in jail? That’s a new one and, technically, the most everyday place of all. Des Moines photographer […]

Justice Center Has Global Reach
Through our growing base of supporters, and by developing our website as an online resource for those in justice services, we’re beginning to have a global impact. The maps below show some of the recent visitors to the website. Click any map for a larger view. This national and global recognition helps bring positive attention […]

Join Our Team
We’re looking to grow our volunteer-based organization with advisors, content writers, data analysts, artists, journalists, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, and community activists. Experience. If you’ve always wanted to work in one of the above areas, but don’t have the experience, we’ll provide the training and experience. This is a great way to expand your resume. […]

Survey 2.0: Design a Justice Center Online
Introduction This survey and this website are maintained by volunteers independent from the Johnson County administration. Click here for the Johnson County government initiative exploring how we can address space and safety needs at the courthouse and jail. Our previous survey was a huge success, with many people participating and offering ideas for how to improve […]

U.S. Moves to Support Reform Efforts in Justice
[Source: “U.S. Moves to Support Reform Efforts in Justice,” CSG Justice Center, 6 September 2013] Attorney General Eric Holder announced steps to reform the criminal justice system’s treatment of nonviolent drug offenders at the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates in San Francisco on August 12, 2013. “Too many Americans go […]

Johnson County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee Meeting Video for September 4, 2013
Summary The Johnson County Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee met on September 4, 2013 for a public meeting to explore jail and courthouse needs and solutions. Resources The following meeting resources are available. Meeting Agenda (in PDF format) Meeting Audio Recording Meeting Minutes (in PDF format) Video. The following video recording is provided by a local […]

Committee mulls future of jail, courthouse
[Source: “Committee mulls future of jail, courthouse,” Press Citizen, 4 September 2013, by Aly Brown] Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee members were not any closer to making a definitive call on the direction of the jail, courthouse and criminal justice services at Wednesday’s meeting. Members rehashed the results from the Johnson County Board of Supervisors’ recent […]

Giving a hand instead of a ticket: Officer works to solve problems on new downtown beat
[Source: “Giving a hand instead of a ticket: Officer works to solve problems on new downtown beat,” Press Citizen, 2 September 2013, by Josh O’Leary] It was another boiling August day and Iowa City’s pedestrian mall was filling up for the lunch hour when, within 30 seconds of each other, two people hurried up to a […]