[Source: “Downtown impact would be positive,” Press Citizen, 26 April 2013] The location of the proposed justice center (adjacent to the historic courthouse) has been labeled by some as poor choice, but I don’t see how this project would have anything but a positive impact on downtown Iowa City. It’s no accident that most town […]
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Johnson County officials: current jail technology “on its last leg”
[Source: “Johnson County officials: current jail technology ‘on its last leg’,” Daily Iowan, 26 April 2013] As the May 7 vote for a new Johnson County justice Center nears, county officials face yet another hurdle in the maltimillion-dollar project. During a Thursday morning Board of Supervisors meeting, county facilities manager Eldon Slaughter and Chief Deputy […]
Think about the 92 and vote ‘yes’
[Source: “Think about the 92 and vote ‘yes’,” Press Citizen, 25 April 2013] I know and respect many of those opposing the proposed county justice center; however, what I find most puzzling are their twin claims that keeping an old, poorly ventilated, small and cramped jail will enhance the well-being of inmates and limit excessive […]
Justice center is a needed first step
[Source: “Justice center is a needed first step,” Press Citizen, 25 April 2013] As a retired paramedic, I support the justice center issue. I believe the opinions of officers, lawyers and judges about making the courthouse safer and more accessible for all of us. We spend too much money housing prisoners in surrounding jails. What […]
Supportive of justice center, yet voting ‘no’
[Source: “Supportive of justice center, yet voting ‘no’,” Press Citizen, 25 April 2013] As distasteful as it is for me to be in favor of a larger jail, I support the justice center proposal. Yet, I will be voting “no” on May 7. Let me explain. I support those incarcerated having greater physical access to […]
Johnson County Residents All Agree, So Why Not Move Forward?
[Source: “Johnson County Residents All Agree, So Why Not Move Forward?,” Press Citizen, 25 April 2013, by Scott McKeag. See also, Daily Iowan, 25 April 2013.] I spent my entire undergraduate career at the University of Iowa opposing the idea of a new jail. I had heard the opposition’s points, read their amusing flyers and […]
Johnson County Could Spend Millions to Improve Current Jail
[Source: “Johnson County Could Spend Millions to Improve Current Jail,” KCRG, 25 April 2013] JOHNSON COUNTY – Johnson County could spend millions to improve the current jail if voters say no to a new justice center. This morning, the Johnson County Supervisors discussed potential jail improvements. They say they’d have to take care of a […]
Debate heating up over Johnson County Justice Center vote
[Source: “Debate heating up over Johnson County Justice Center vote,” Press Citizen, 24 April 2013] With just two weeks until Johnson County voters head back to the polls, the county’s justice center debate is heating up. Johnson County residents will vote May 7 on a $43.5 million bond issue to pay for the building. Plans for […]
Johnson County justice center still divisive
[Source: “Johnson County justice center still divisive,” The Daily Iowan, 24 April 2013] Opponents of the proposed Johnson County Justice Center say the revised cost is still too high, and that changes made to the plan are insufficient. “This is a nominal reduction, and they have essentially thrown a bone to the public,” said Aleksey […]
Focus turns to jail alternatives in Johnson County justice center debate
[Source: “Focus turns to jail alternatives in Johnson County justice center debate,” The Gazette, 21 April 2013] Supporters say space is needed, but opponents say alternatives not being explored IOWA CITY — The group meets Monday mornings in the Johnson County Attorney’s Office to see who they can try to get out of the county […]
Vote ‘yes’ to ensure justice for all
[Source: “Vote ‘yes’ to ensure justice for all,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by Richard, Buffie and Jessica Tucker] If you have ever been in the Johnson County Courthouse, for any reason, it is apparent why you should vote “yes” for the new justice center. We are writing this from the standpoint of two lawyers and […]
Safety still a big concern at jail, courthouse
[Source: “Safety still a big concern at jail, courthouse,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by Noreen Revier] Three years ago I served on a jury where the accused had harmed someone. The thought struck me how little separation there was between that person and those of us on the jury as we came and went […]
Help make courthouse more accessible
[Source: “Help make courthouse more accessible,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by George R. Dane] It is very difficult for those of us who are disabled or have a mobility problem to access our 1901-built county courthouse. It has many barriers for us, and it is not possible to remove or modify them. The front […]
Vote ‘yes’; don’t wait for something tragic
[Source: “Vote ‘yes’; don’t wait for something tragic,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by James P. Hayes] I urge Johnson County voters to vote “yes” for the justice center on May 7. Access to the courts and making the community a safe place to live are two hallmarks of a great society. Our current courthouse […]
Lack of courtroom space is an injustice
[Source: “Lack of courtroom space is an injustice,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by Kevin Kinney] I am writing this letter in support of the justice center. I work daily with the victims of crimes and see how they are being re-victimized in Johnson County by the lack of courtroom space and the availability of […]
Vote ‘yes’ to improve space and safety
[Source: “Vote ‘yes’ to improve space and safety,” Press Citizen, 19 April 2013, by Phil Leff] I have practiced law in Johnson County for 50 years. The old courthouse was an integral part of my practice and initially served the population well, but eventually became stuck in time. I am very familiar with its shortcomings. […]
Vote ‘yes’ to update courthouse
[Source: “Vote ‘yes’ to update courthouse,” Press Citizen, 17 April 2013, by Renee and Joe Hanrahan] The Johnson County historic courthouse was designed and built in the year 1899-1900 and dedicated in 1901. By 1900 standards this was a proud, modern building with electric lights, steam heating and large high-ceiling windows for ventilation. Today, 112 […]
April 26, 2013 | jcjusticecenter | 0 Comments
CrimeStoppers supports center
[Source: “CrimeStoppers supports center,” It has been known for some time that the Iowa City population is fast growing; however, we all may have become complacent as to the generally law-abiding behavior of our community. In 2007, the residents in a west Iowa City neighborhood were brought up short with a home invasion, burglary and […]
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